Residential Carpet Cleaning

Residential Carpet Cleaning

Gogo Carpet Cleaning is specialised in the cleaning and disinfection of residential rugs and carpets. Our services are delivered to a high-standard quality which requires special technique and equipment.

Imagine the carpet as if it were an air filter in your home. Over time, we have the appearance of dust, dirt, bacteria and mites on your carpet and with that, we would start to breathe this accumulation of dirt. The use of only household products for washing becomes totally inefficient and it is necessary to use more advanced machines and products in order to have a more thorough and thorough washing.

First, we evaluate the environment and its dirtiness indexes such as stains, odours and dust. Once this is done, we perform a superficial aspiration to remove dust, mites and bacteria. After the vacuuming process, we clean the carpet using professional cleaning products.

At the end of the application time of the sanitizing product, we use the extraction machine to carry out the suction process by removing excess product and at the same time facilitating the drying process. We carry out a final analysis of the carpet and finalize the process.

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